
This program was created as a passion project, automatically generating a new actor or actress every day. On the backend, there is a network of actors and actresses as nodes, all connected via edges by the different movies they have played in. The user has a choice to take 3 tips about the actor, and each guess will indicate how far they are away from the actor by movies of separation.

Main page

This page simply shows what game today is, how many guesses have been taken, and provides an opportunity to enter a guess or request a tip.

Screenshot of homepage in CelebGuessr.

Share page

Once the game has been won, the user is presented with statistics based on other people's games, provides a countdown until the next game, and allows the user to share the results with their friends. Sharing uses a modern share API compatible with most modern web browsers, pulling up a modern share menu Wordle players may be familiar with.

Screenshot of the share page in CelebGuessr.

Tech Stack

This project uses Flask and Python as its backend framework to connect to a SQLite database. A backend database stores a network of actors and actresses connected by movies they have starred in, generated by NetworkX in Python. Information is portrayed via HTML templates using Bootstrap for CSS.